The Rise of the Legendary Cydroid: Game-Changing Investment

Legendary Cydroid - Earth2 metaverse

The Legendary Cydroid is poised to revolutionize the game, standing out as the most expensive and powerful cydroid that players can construct in Earth2 metaverse game. While cydroids can be built on T1 and T2 tiles, T3 tiles necessitate the purchase of cydroids from the P2P market. There are five types of cydroids available: Common, Uncommon, Epic, Rare, and Legendary. Currently, all cydroid types share the same functionality, capable of collecting three resources at once with identical speed and storage capacities. However, the future promises a significant advantage for the Legendary cydroid.

An announcement from the Earth2 office on November 26, 2023, revealed that in Tier 3 lands, property owners can acquire the Legendary cydroid. This formidable cydroid boasts unrestricted raiding capabilities, meaning there will be no cap on the number of tiles it can raid from any property. This announcement clarifies a notable distinction from Epic cydroids, which are limited to raiding on properties with up to 250 tiles.

Unlike T1 and T2 tiles, T3 tiles mandate a specific rarity of First Edition Cydroid for raiding other properties. To aid players in understanding the raiding capabilities based on the tethered Cydroid’s rarity, a helpful table outlining the raidable property size is provided

Cydroid Rarity Raid Target Property Size Limit (Tiles)
Common 1 – 25
Uncommon 1 – 50
Rare 1 – 100
Epic 1 – 250
Legendary Unrestricted

One of the key advantages of owning a Legendary Cydroid lies in the community’s anticipation of gaining additional benefits. Users are gradually accumulating Legendary Cydroids in the P2P market, with prices currently holding below $8 as of December 2024. However, projections suggest an imminent increase in value due to the growing scarcity of these Legendary Cydroids.

Building a Legendary Cydroid presents a unique challenge as players have no direct control over the process. Initiating the construction of a first-generation cydroid requires a 24-hour wait, during which players remain uncertain about the specific type of cydroid they will receive. Historical data indicates that players with Tier 1 and Tier 2 tiles generally experience a 4-7% chance of obtaining Legendary Cydroids, contingent upon luck.

Conversely, new players limited to Tier 3 tiles face the inability to construct any cydroids themselves, necessitating the purchase of such cydroids from the market. Given the unrestricted raiding capabilities of Legendary Cydroids, there is a widespread interest among players to acquire them. Consequently, the perpetual demand for Legendary Cydroids is expected to drive their market value higher over time.

Recomandation for old players:

1. Avoid selling your Legendary Cydroid at a low price on the market.

2. Enhance your cydroid by slotting it with luminous jewels.

3. Increase your chances of obtaining a Legendary Cydroid by selling your common and uncommon cydroids to clear production slots and make room for new builds.

4. Enhance your resource collection capabilities by purchasing Legendary Cydroids from the market.

Recommendation of New players:

1. Preserve your essence and consider acquiring cydroids from the market while prices are still low.

2. When making purchases, aim to acquire Legendary Cydroids for optimal benefits.

Earth2 Lygendary Cydroid

Earth 2 has proudly surpassed $19 million USD in E$ withdrawals, marking a remarkable achievement since its launch just two years ago on November 26, 2022. Within this short timeframe, it has evolved into the world’s largest Virtual Land registry.

The Earth 2 platform enables users to engage in buying, selling, and trading virtual properties anchored in real-world geolocations. These virtual properties generate various digital items, with some offering immediate utility and the promise of expanding functionality as the Earth 2 Platform continues to grow. Notably, the project experienced rapid hypergrowth since its debut in November 2020, catching the initial startup team off guard as they quickly expanded from a small group of full-time employees.

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